22, Nov
What is Java? All you need to know about Java that will help you in your Java jobs in 2023 [ Updated ]

Last updated on August 31st, 2023 at 05:41 am

What is Java?

A general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language called Java was created with fewer implementation requirements in mind. It serves as a platform for the development of applications. Consequently, Java is quick, safe, and trustworthy. It is commonly utilized to create Java applications in laptops, data centers, game consoles, scientific supercomputers, mobile phones, and other devices.

What is the Java platform?

Programmers can quickly create and use Java programming applications with the help of the Java Platform, a group of programs. Along with a compiler and several libraries, it also has an execution engine. It’s a collection of technical requirements and computer programs.

Java definition

Java is a network-centric, object-oriented, and multi-platform language. One of the most popular programming languages is this one. Another platform for computers is Java. The majority of corporations choose it as one of the fastest, safest, and most dependable programming languages to use when creating their projects.

Java used for what?

Some significant Java apps are listed below:

  1. It is employed for creating Android apps.
  2. aids in the development of enterprise software and a variety of mobile Java applications
  3. Applications of Scientific Computing
  4. Java programming of hardware devices used for big data analytics
  5. used for server-side technologies like GlassFish, JBoss, and Apache, among others.

An overview of Java’s history

The following are significant dates in the Java language’s past:

  1. OAK was the early name of the Java programming language.
  2. It was initially designed to handle portable electronics and set-top boxes. A colossal failure, Oak.
  3. Sun changed the name to “Java” in 1995 and changed the language to capitalize on the expanding www (World Wide Web) development market.
  4. Oracle Corporation later acquired Sun Microsystems in 2009, and as a result, three important Sun software assets—Java, MySQL, and Solaris—became part of Oracle’s portfolio.

Java versions

We are providing 10 years of Java versions with release dates:

  1. Java SE 6 11th Dec 2006
  2. Java SE 7 28th July 2011
  3. Java SE 8 18th Mar 2014
  4. Java SE 9 21st Sep 2017
  5. Java SE 10 20th Mar 2018
  6. JAVA SE 11 25th Sep 2018
  7. JAVA SE 12 19th Mar 2019
  8. JAVA SE 13 17th Sep 2019
  9. JAVA SE 14 17th Mar 2020
  10. JAVA SE 15 15th Sep 2020 (latest Java Version)

Java features

Important Java features include the following:

  1. One of the simpler-to-learn programming languages is this one.
  2. On practically any computing platform, code written once can be executed.
  3. Platforms don’t matter with Java. Some programs can run on another system even when they were created on one.
  4. For creating object-oriented programs, it is made.
  5. The automatic memory management of this multithreaded language.
  6. It was made specifically for the distributed Internet environment.
  7. as a result of being network-centric, it facilitates distributed computing.

Components of java programming language

A Java programmer creates a program in Source Code, a language that is readable by humans. As a result, no matter what programming language is used, the CPU or Chips can never understand the source code.

One thing, known as machine language or code, is all that these computers or chips can comprehend. At the CPU level, these machine codes function. In light of this, various CPU models would have different machine codes.

Although programming is all about the source code, you still need to be concerned with the machine code. The computer reads this source code and converts it into executable code, which is code that can be read by computers.

Within the following 3 Java platform elements, all these features take place:

Java Development Kit(JDK)

A software development environment called JDK is used to create Java programs and applets. JDK stands for Java Development Kit in its complete form. Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and Windows all support Java development. They can code and run Java programs with the aid of JDK. On the same computer, multiple JDK versions can be installed.

Why use JDK? 

Here are the primary justifications for utilizing JDK:

  1. JRE and JDK both contain the necessary tools for executing Java programs.
  2. It comes with a Java application launcher, a compiler, an Appletviewer, and other tools.
  3. Java code written in byte code is converted by a compiler.
  4. A JRE is opened, the required class is loaded, and the main method of the loaded class is run by the Java application launcher.

Java Virtual Machine(JVM)

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an engine that offers a runtime environment for Java applications or code. Machine language is created by translating Java bytecode. The Java Run Environment includes the JVM (JRE). The compiler creates machine code for a certain system in different computer languages. On the other hand, the Java compiler generates code for the Java Virtual Machine.

Why JVM?

These are some of the key benefits of utilizing JVM:

  1. Java source code can be run on any platform thanks to JVM.
  2. It has a tonne of frameworks, libraries, and tools.
  3. Once a Java program has been executed, you may run it on any platform and save a tonne of time.
  4. The JVM includes a JIT (Just-in-Time) compiler that transforms Java source code into machine language at the lowest possible level. As a result, it operates quicker than a typical application.

Java Run Environment(JRE)

A piece of software called JRE is made to execute other programs. The class libraries, loader class, and JVM are all included. To put it simply, JRE is required if you wish to run a Java program. You just need to install JRE to run Java programs if you are not a coder.

Why use JRE?

Here are some of the primary benefits of utilizing JRE:

  1. Class libraries, the JVM, and additional supporting files are all part of the JRE. The likes of a debugger, compiler, etc. are not included as tools for Java programming.
  2. It makes use of significant package classes like math, swing, util, lang, awt, and runtime libraries.
  3.  Installing JRE on your PC is required if you want to run Java applets.

Platforms that run Java

There are four different categories of platforms for the Java programming language:

  1. Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE): The Java SE API provides the essential features of the Java programming language. It outlines every type and object foundation from low-level objects to high-level classes. The development of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and XML parsing are among their uses, as well as networking and security.
  2. Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE): A runtime environment and API are provided by the Java EE platform for the creation and execution of network applications that are highly scalable, multi-tiered, large-scale, dependable, and secure.
  3. Java Programming Language Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME): Small devices, such as cell phones, may run Java programming language applications thanks to the Java ME platform, which provides an API and a virtual machine with a small footprint.
  4. Java FX: An easy-to-use user-interface API is used by JavaFX, a platform for creating rich internet applications. It makes use of hardware-accelerated media and graphics engines, a contemporary look and feel, and high-level APIs for connecting to networked data sources, all of which enable Java to benefit from higher-performance clients.

Even with the increase in employment opportunities, having a successful career in Java is not simple. You will always require something to make you stand out from the crowd. As you now know quite a lot about Java from this article it will be helpful for you. 

Zenotis technologies not only hire Java developers but also provide training for niche skills. For more details check out their website.


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